We’re Thrilled, Dalton!


Last week we saw this sign posted on our school district’s Facebook page. 

What a great way to start the school year!

As I mused about children’s happiness my mind turned to our visits to Triangle Therapy Services earlier this month, I realized that the common thread in those visits was the beautiful smiles on the children’s faces.

Dalton, all smiles

Dalton’s smile is memorable. Last fall, his smiles, grins, and giggles, accentuated with his dazzling dimples, lifted our spirits. When we met him again a few days ago, he was just as radiant.

 “He’s doing amazing!” his mom, Angie, says.

Dalton was born with cerebral palsy and has been in therapy all his life. In addition to physical therapy during his hippotherapy this summer, he’s been in intensive therapy at Cincinnati Children’s since last summer when he underwent surgery. He’s since grown three inches in his legs alone! He’s recently had Botox injections in his legs to relieve the spasticity; he’s just getting used to the relaxed muscles. With the addition of new leg braces, Dalton’s still adapting to changes in his body. 

Dalton's balancing act

This evening’s hippotherapy session is special; Dalton and Paco ride out through the gate, across the field, and into the trees on the trail behind the arena. 

We take the opportunity to get to know Angie and Jared, Dalton’s parents, a little better. Angie, like many moms whose children need therapy, drives many miles each week, getting Dalton to multiple appointments as well as driving her father, who is experiencing health problems, to his doctors.

 “His legs have grown tremendously!” Angie says. “He has so much more independence and mobility. At the beach this summer, he was able to walk in the sand! And this is just one year post-op. I can’t wait to see what three to five years will bring.”

 As the sun begins to set, Dalton and Paco return from the trail. We meet him in the barn, where, happy and excited, he talks about the ride. Then he wipes his glasses, turns to us, and flashes his contagious smile – and those dimples!

 You, our Jacob’s Fund’s supporters, put smiles on children’s faces every day. You help kids walk in the sand on the beach. We are immensely grateful.

 You can give a gift to Jacob’s Fund in two ways. Our Facebook page, Jacob Beachy Fund, makes it easy. Just click on the DONATE button. Or you can send a check to:

 Jacob’s Fund

1630 Tipperary Drive

Middletown, Ohio 45042-3875



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