Jonah's Journey

Jonah at hippotherapy One of the things I like most about being the regular blogger for Jacob’s Fund is that I get to tell you about the sweet, funny, courageous kids whose hippotherapy and therapeutic riding costs Jacob’s Fund scholarships. One of the things I find hardest is condensing their stories into some paragraphs that convey their glorious selves so that you can get to know them. I know you want to know what their conditions and diagnoses are and how you’re helping them through your support of Jacob’s Fund. But there’s so much more to these children. Take Jonah, for instance. Cassie at McKenna Farms had warned me before my visit with Jonah and his mom: “He’s a cutie!” And, oh my gosh! Is he ever! Jonah was born with multiple heart defects, like Jacob. At least one of those defects is the same as one of Jacob’s, hypoplastic left heart syndrome , a relatively rare birth defect in which the left ventricle...