You know what Owen thinks is better than playing outside on a gorgeous fall day? Receiving hippotherapy at Triangle Therapy Services on that gorgeous fall day! We love our Jacob Beachy Fund kids!
Jonah! Jonah is a Jacob's Fund kid. Like our Jacob, Jonah was born with multiple heart defects, including hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS). We are thrilled with his progress, following each step of his journey. Jonah is a special boy with an amazing family - sister Lily, dad Linn, and mom, Amy, who helps other families find the support they need for their special needs children. 40,000 children are born with congenital heart defects each year. Our hearts are with them, not only during February - Heart Month - but every day of the year. Hippotherapy, one of Jonah's favorite activities Jonah and Miles McKenna Farms Therapy Services Did you know that February is #AmericanHeartMonth ? In honor of that, we are spotlighting Jonah! His mom Amy explains, “Jonah is 9 years old and is one of the happiest children you will ever meet! He loves learning and embraces every moment. He was born with Hypoplastic Right Heart Syndrome (and several other heart defects), a cleft palate, kid
Owen, Enjoying Hippotherapy Owen’s already perched on Paco’s back in the arena when we arrive at Triangle Therapy this evening, and from the look on his face, it’s clear that he thinks hippotherapy is THE way to do physical therapy. Mid-exercise, he looks up, smiling as he sees us lined up along the fence, and waves. What a welcome! We’re thrilled to see Owen and his mom, Amanda, again. Since last summer, when Owen’s hippotherapy was focused on speech, he’s made great progress, Amanda tells us. “Your gift made such a difference – his speech has improved so much!” We watch as he completes each task his therapist, Shannon, gives him. He’s riding backwards, up on his hands and knees, (can you do this?), enjoying every moment. “He’ll try anything he’s asked to do in hippotherapy – he loves it!” Mom says. “When we’re at home during the week, he’ll say ‘hippotherapy!’ and he’s ready to go.” Just a few weeks ago, Owen had a cardiology appointment. He’s doing well – no shortness of
To friends wishing to donate to help children receive hippotherapy, we thank you for your generosity. For checks, our mailing address is: Jacob's Fund 1630 Tipperary Dr. Middletown, Ohio 45042 OR See our Facebook page: - and click Donate. Thank you.
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